On an epic journey to Ketch Em All
This tool allows you to search for cards based on various parameters such as language, number of cards, liquidity, price range, chance for PSA 10, and specific words to exclude from the search. Please fill out the form below to start your search. PICK YOUR INPUT VALUES, and click Search!
TIPS: The Liquidity Score is calculated by adding up the Raw, PSA 7,8,9,10 sales per day. A score of 5 is one sale per day, but keep in mind this includes raw cards, so utilize the links to the data to investigate. Price Charting utilizes ebay sales only.
DISCLAIMER: This data is gathered utilizing pricecharting.com and psacard.com links will be attached to each piece of data that is used if further investigation is desired.
While I am happy to provide these tools for free, it costs me 9$ a month to host this website, and 7$ a month to host the python apps, no pressure if you do not want to contribute, but everything helps!
As I am always looking to improve these tools, do not hesitate to reach out in order to give suggestions on improvments or new tool ideas!
Thanks for using my tools!